Trash-A-Thon: Getting the Cleanups Rollin

2022 Trash-a-Thon has commenced! Two intrepid Trash Team members went out to "scout".....except they forgot their paddles....and of course they went any way, each using 1/2 of a kayak paddle.

While it was scheduled to be a quick planning trip to look for best places to cleanup, the team couldn't help picking up a few bits, pieces, and mounds of trash along the way including a shopping cart, 6 tires, and a BOWLING BALL! In addition, the "quick" trip didn't turn out to be very quick (remember they only had 1/2 paddle each) and by the time they reached the take out, it was 9 pm!

Bad news, it is hard to unload heavy wet trash in the dark. Good news, when you paddle the creek in the dark, the moon light is gorgeous and the chances of seeing a great horned owl skyrockets!

Teams went back on Saturday morning to continue their adventures, bust out some log jams, and clean up more sections of Mill Creek. You can BE A PART OF THIS FUN(draiser) too! JOIN THE MCA Trash-a-Thon and help us pick up trash and bring in cash. All proceeds benefit our award winning education, restoration and recreation programs. Find out more at:

Thanks to the Trash Teams for "getting things rolling" !