Mill Creek Alliance Strategies & Goals
The Mill Creek Alliance has a long-range plan with these main strategies to revive the Mill Creek:
Connect people with the Mill Creek
Promote the Mill Creek as a place for people, with access to water, parks, walk and bike trails, boating, fishing, birding, dining, entertainment, services, etc.
Collaborate with communities, officials, and residents in project planning and design
Provide environmental education in schools. Create volunteer opportunities that foster public “ownership” of the Mill Creek, raising a new generation of Mill Creek stewards.
Address diversity, equity, and inclusion issues arising from the Mill Creek’s history
Improve the Mill Creek
Mitigate flooding and pollution and improve water and habitat quality using green infrastructure, natural stream channel design, and other techniques that promote climate resiliency and benefit all neighborhoods
Leverage the Mill Creek Greenway Trail for recreational and active transportation, and the Mill Creek Water Trail for paddling activities
Restore a sustainable ecosystem
Support environmental justice and responsible economic development to limit the harms of gentrification
Facilitate public and private projects, deal-making and funding
Be a policy voice for the Mill Creek
Monitor and publicly report the state of Mill Creek
Participate in local governments’ planning and deliberations about Mill Creek
Convene local governments within the watershed to prioritize and coordinate efforts
Advocate for the Mill Creek, the watershed, and its future